Christopher Bell

Christopher Bell

Christopher Bell “Being in the Old Rochester Regional music program has taught me so much, like how to set an example, be a leader, and what it’s like to have people look up to me. Chorus has taught me what it’s like to work with a group that cares so much...
Alice DeCicco-Carey

Alice DeCicco-Carey

Alice DeCicco-Carey “Imagining my four years in high school without the concert band in my life is near impossible, if not completely. Whether it’s the concerts, the amazing opportunities given, or the small and simple moments in class, band has easily shaped my high...
Benjamin Preece-Santos

Benjamin Preece-Santos

Benjamin Preece-Santos “I believe that it is crucial to express myself in a creative way. I found that music played a major role in de-stressing me throughout high school. I never saw Jazz Band as a requirement but rather as one of my most enjoyable classes and one of...
Instrumental Concert 03.15.22

Instrumental Concert 03.15.22

Instrumental Concert 03.15.22 Donate  Phone (255) 352-6258  Email  Address 123 Music Ln. Mattapoisett, MA 90210  Socialize FollowFollowFollow The Old Rochester Regional School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,...
Choral Concert 03.08.22

Choral Concert 03.08.22

Choral Concert 03.08.22 Donate  Phone (255) 352-6258  Email  Address 123 Music Ln. Mattapoisett, MA 90210  Socialize FollowFollowFollow The Old Rochester Regional School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national...